Schlagwort-Archive: english

Eine Abwesenheits-E-Mail im Stile von William Shakespeare auf Englisch

Noch so ein Spaß mit ChatGPT – wenn William Out-of-Office-E-Mails verschickt hätte.

Hark, fair correspondents,

I prithee extend thy patience, forsooth, as I find myself embarked upon a brief sojourn away from my electronic quill. The tapestry of my endeavors hath led me hence, and I find myself unable to respond with the customary haste to your missives.

Should thou possess matters of urgency akin to flames that doth consume, I beseech thee to seek solace and counsel from my trusty confidant, [Confidant’s Name], whose address reads thus: [Confidant’s Email Address].

Yet fear not, for as the moon waxes and wanes, so shall I return anon, and thy words shall not fall on deafened ears. By the [Date of Return], mine intention is to once again resume our discourse, rejoicing in the exchange of thoughts and ponderings.

Until then, may the heavens guide thee and thy endeavors prosper.

With greatest esteem,

[Thy Name]

Abwesenheitsformular zum Ankreuzen auf Englisch

Dear sender,

thank you for your message.

I’m out of office through XX.XX.20XX.

() I’m on vacation.

( ) It’s a public holiday.

( ) I’m travelling for business.

( ) I’m in meetings/workshops.

( ) Absence caused by illness.

During my absence I will have

() NO access to my emails

( ) only very limited access to my emails.

I’ll answer your mail as soon as possible.

In urgent cases please please

( )  call me or send short messages.

() contact my stand-in John Doe

If you need immediate assistance, contact …

Best regards